Lent 2018 Devotional: Day Three

“Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all day long.” —Ps 25:4–5

In our culture, rugged individualism is valued. We are to strive to be leaders, or, at minimum, coleaders; being a follower connotes a lack of agency. Yet our relationship with Christ differs from any other. We are his followers; how can we follow if he is not leading the way, through the Holy Spirit? It is a challenge to accept the idea of waiting on God before taking action, particularly when issues of justice are concerned. We want to make change on our own terms, come what may. After all, people are hurting now. Our responsibilities feel so urgent! Yet when we forget that we seek God’s will in all things, we can act hastily and potentially cause even more damage.
Consider an action you are engaged in, in your life. Are you following Christ in this area of your life as well? How are you discerning where he leads, either individually or collectively, together with the gathered body of Christ? What would it mean to be led and taught by the God of your salvation in this endeavor? What does waiting on God look like?


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