Lent 2018 Devotional: Day Twenty-Eight

[Jesus said,] "You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me." --John 12:8

I struggle with this verse whenever I see it. It's that always that gets me: you always have the poor with you. In the past I have read that as a refutation of the coming kingdom; aren't we supposed to live in the hope that one day all will have enough? That we will not always have the poor? Aren't we called to live with trust in God's abundance today?

On reading it today, though, I see something different. Jesus does not say, "You will always have the poor." He expresses it as a current reality. The poor are always surrounding those whom he is talking with. However, he will quickly pass from them. It does not seem to be a statement of resignation to eternal poverty, but a recognition that, in this moment, a different choice for Mary's use of funds was the correct one.

As I continue to read the Bible, I learn how much nuance matters. (Seminary classes on exegesis and homiletics are helping with this considerably; I am thankful to all my instructors.) Above all, no one verse should be used as an excuse to ignore continued harm and oppression against others.

What does God have to say about this verse to you today?


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