An Advent-ure At Blue Ocean Faith Columbus

The season of Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas, lasting until Christmas Eve. While it occurs at the end of the calendar year, it marks the beginning of the Church year (also known as the Liturgical Calendar). This paradox serves as a reminder that, while Jesus calls His followers to act in the world as its salt and light, we inhabit a space outside of the ordinary as well. As His gathered body, we celebrate and are pointed toward a more hopeful reality. The end is also a new beginning.

Advent comes from the Latin adventus (arrival), which is formed from ad- (to) and venire (come). Appropriately, it marks a time of expectant waiting. We await the coming of Jesus, God in the flesh. The waiting culminates as we celebrate the day of His birth at Christmas.

The word adventure comes from the same root. This year, Blue Ocean Faith Columbus is adventuring through this season. Members of our community have been invited to share what this season means to them, in any form they choose. Some have contributed artwork. Others have offered stories. We hope that as you follow along with us, day by day, you too will reflect more fully on its meaning. How does Jesus’ coming into the world make a difference—both to the world at large and in your own life? What are you waiting for when you wait for Him? What adventure does He have for you?


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